Prospect Evaluation - CCS projects by ialkubo + Geociencias Virtuales C.A. team

Team of experts on the topics related to Prospect Evaluation, including CCS projects.

About This Service

We offer our expertise in the fields of geology, geophysics, petrophysics, and assets evaluation, to help your company in evaluating prospective sites for oil/gas reservoirs, as well as other objectives, like CCS, Geothermal potential, etc...

About The Seller: ialkubo/Geociencias Virtuales C.A.


Instituto International de Inversiones + Geociencias VIrtuales C.A.

We are a group of professionals with vast technical, academic, and managerial experience in the energy industry.

(5 ratings)


Spain / Venezuela / USA / Colombia

Avg.Response Time

12 hours

Prospects Evaluation


Consultancy for evaluation of Oil and Gas Prospects, CCS sites, Geothermal potential, etc... Contact us using the Contact Seller link below.

 30 Days for initial contact    

Other details

  • - Team of Experts: Geology, Geophysics, Petrophysics, Economic Evaluations.
  • - Tell us your needs and we will make a project proposal.
  • - English-Spanish
  • - Inhouse - OnLine

Frequently Ask Questions


Can I negotiate a longer period contract with the "SELLER" ?


Yes, after you make the initial contact with the "SELLER" you can negotiate a contract according to your requirements. Such contract should be a direct contract between you and the SELLER, and will not include any responsability from Geociencias Virtuales C.A.


Do I get an Invoice for the contracted service ?


You will get an Invoice from PayPal, under Geociencias Virtuales C.A., for the services paid using this website. Any other invoicing, for payments made directly to the SELLER, should be handle by the SELLER.